Photo by Ayesha Ahmad Photography
“She doesn't force her opinion on anyone, but gives amazing, decisive advice when you ask for it.”
- one of our recent clients about our lead planner, Rebecca O’Donnell
We get this feedback a lot from our clients. And this is one of the major factors in figuring out what kind of a wedding planner you’re looking for. Do you want a planner who is going to take the reigns entirely and make decisions for you, or one who will assist you in making wedding decisions? Neither one is better or worse. It’s about what’s right for you.
Here at The Plannery, we won’t make wedding decisions for you. We not only believe it’s YOUR money to spend (therefore your decision), but most importantly, we always want our clients weddings to reflect their values and their priorities - not OURS.
So what do we do if we don’t make wedding decisions? We help make those decisions easier. We listen to you. We help you figure out what your values and priorities are to begin with! We then narrow down your options when it comes to vendors and other wedding planning decisions. Not to mention, we keep it practical in terms of helping you see which decisions are even possible when it comes to your wedding budget.
Some folks are so busy that they actually want someone to make final decisions for them. Some really want to hear what is on-trend and just do whatever that is for their wedding. And again - that’s great if it’s right for you! But we are not those planners. We take our cues from you, listen, help you clarify your vision, desires and priorities, and then make the decision making process easy.
Which one is right for you?